Kathy Diebold

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In keeping with the theme for the Children's Book The Sun Jumped Over the Moon

Hello Everyone,

In keeping with the theme for the Children’s book, THE SUN JUMPED OVER THE MOON, I have to tell you I have received more than a little help and belief for this book from all of my friends and family throughout the country. Thank you ALL for your support, your excitement, your ideas, your purchases of the book, your cheers, and your congratulations. I am so excited that you are all just as excited as I am about this new venture. I am getting pictures sent to me from the little ones showing their own excitement when they were given the book. I don’t know who is more excited, the adults or the children. YEAH!!!!

Anyone who wants to send me pictures of the kids reading their book, I will be happy to post them on the webpage and Facebook. I have found a true friend who is patiently working with me on all this social media stuff. Thank you Janet Leighty

It brings a smile to my face that you all love the book as much as I do. It’s been my baby for 22 years in the making and now I get to share it with the world - my world at least.

The Publishing Company hasn’t yet started their marketing and sales campaign for the book. That should be coming out in the next 2-3 weeks. So I am asking for everyone to share this post on your Facebook pages and social media sites and ask for likes for www.kathydieboldauthor.com and Facebook Kathy Diebold Author.

Thank you in advance for your continued support and remember books can be ordered directly by contacting me at kathy@kathydieboldauthor.com. The cost of the book is cheaper, you will get it faster and autographed. I now take Venmo - see I am slowly but surely getting into the 21st century.

Stay Safe and Remember

When you Believe, It Will Be
